
姓名:黄定宙 [浙江.温州市]
主要设计专长: 休闲健身空间
其他设计专长: 餐饮空间,酒店空间,展览空间,办公空间,文博空间
职称、资格:国家注册高级室内建筑师 中国美术学院客座讲师温州大学艺术学院客座讲师中国建筑学会室内设计分会会员IFI国际室内建筑师/设计师联盟会员IAI亚太建筑师与室内设计师联盟会员中国国际设计艺术博览会年度优秀设计师温州致尚空间装饰工程有限公司董事及设计总监获奖经历:2011年 中国金堂奖优秀购物空间2011年 中国(上海)国际建筑及室内设计节金外滩奖2010年 亚太室内设计双年展奖2010年 中国国际设计艺术博览会大奖2009-2010中国年度优秀设计师2010年 中国(上海)国际建筑及室内设计节金外滩奖2010年 美国室内设计INTERIOR DESIGN 酒店设计优秀奖2010年 中国长三角室内设计


项目名称: 上善若水 项目所在地: 浙江.温州市
项目类型: 室内设计 购物空间 项目面积: 50 平方米
所用产品型号: 诺贝尔
《老子》:“上善若水,水善利万物而不争。”雁荡山水世界是雁荡山矿泉水首家全国连锁专卖店。我们设计的初衷先对水的概念做一系列深化的研究,找到一个表达准确的主题。水无形无质,却有太多的元素,我们在选主题时找到了水篆的字体进行延伸变化。在主色调上我选择了白色调,水是纯净的,没有比白色更能体现它的本质了。Laozi says"Highest good is like water benefits all things without striving for fame."。”Y ang Shan Water-World is the first national chain store of Y ang Shan mineral water. We established the accurate theme after a deep research in our initial design. Though water is transparent, it has many meaning. We re-design the character shape of water in Chinese water-seal script while seeking for the theme. White is our main tone, because no other color can illustrate more accurately the pure essence water owns.
门的造型设计是由一个个水滴形状联想的。用铝板打空,暗藏LED灯,做整体材料的造型,大门是一个放大的水滴的形,边缘用不锈钢做包边,远远望去象大海中的一个水滴溅起,行业特征表现的淋漓尽致 。Having inspiration from the shape of water drop, the surface of gate is designed to an amplified water drop. The gate is made of carved aluminum, with embedded LED lights stainless steel edge. The gate looks like a drop of water in the ocean from far away, well inflects what the store sells.
室内设计的中间造型是水篆的构成,顶上的造型也是水篆构成,相互相成,相得益彰。水篆造型里LED光源将产品映的高贵典雅。右边的墙面上镶欠着发光的水滴形状,台面上的矿泉水瓶子在暗藏灯源下犹若一位位妙龄女子一笑一颦,甚是动人。左边墙面是整个空间的重头戏,造型是水滴在水面上起的涟漪联想的,水表皮是一种无法言语的美。弧形的水表皮里暗藏着一颗颗动人的珍珠,那里展示着世界各地一个个不同的矿泉水瓶造型。In the inner of the store, the design of center ceiling are also inspired by Chinese water-seal script, they reflect each other naturally. The embedded LED lights under Chinese water-seal script shines the mineral water makes it seem elegant. The water drop shape light embedded in the right wall, along with the hidden lights shine the mineral water bottle on the table charming as a young cute girl. The left wall is the main part of the store, inspired by water wave, with a sense of beauty beyond expression. Beneath the water wave are shining pearls, in which different shapes of mineral water bottles in the world exhibit.
背景由整个水涟漪造型的延伸,在一条条的灯源中,凸起的水表皮上标志豁朗在目。前台的整体也是一种流水的形,似乎在述说着一种亘古不变的美感。The inner background is the extension of water wave. The projected wave is spotlighted by the strip light. The er also seems like watr wave, presents constant aesthetic impression.
整个项目从设计到施工用了三个月,对于只有30 平方的店面可谓是精雕细凿。在这个作品中我们用某一个商业原则设计这个作品,如果能给客户和消费者带来一丝惊喜,那我们就成功了。We spent 3 months from design to finishing construction. It is a precise project for store with only 30 square meters. We adopted one commercial principle thru this project, we will succeed once it brings pleasant surprise to our clients consumers.