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  • 家园号:124753
  • 姓名:荣海锋 [江苏 ]
  • 设计师类型:室内设计师
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Glof私人博物館 探尋高爾夫的古老故事

类别:吃喝玩乐   评论(0)   浏览 (98)   2011/8/18  [转载]

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Located on the 19th floor of Sunny Golf Tower, Singer is a private museum of golf antiques presenting antique golf treasures in an extravagant vintage setting that seems to open up a fabulous time tunnel to transit into the 19th century Europe. It takes people to their deepest fantasy to indulge in the universe of golfing.
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Visitors are greeted by an imposing wall featuring inlaid stones and warm illumination when they arrive the 19th floor of Sunny Golf Tower .  Focal attention is then drawn to the opulent wooden door that speaks for elegance and lure. Upon entry, a plain yet majestic ambience welcomes people to its world of glamour and excitement. On the right is an eye catching icon of the museum serving as a wait area for visitors while the other door is the actual entrance to the museum. This design enhances the mysterious charisma of the golf treasures and allures visitors to the distant century.
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Visual attraction at the main exhibition gallery is on the ceiling that displays 18 pendant lamps symbolizing the 18 holes on a golf course. Portraits of the 18 most renowned golf players are best accentuations of the pendant lamps with one of those also displays the icon of the museum. Triggered by the warm illumination, visitors’ thoughts are carried away from the beautiful feathers illustrating how antique golf balls are produced to the distant century when these feather golf balls were flying on golf courses. 
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The walls are mounted with large oil paintings of the last century and television monitors broadcasting golf tournaments of today. However, no matter it’s the stationary painting or the active illustrations on tv, the essence of this upper class sports activity is fully articulated. Randomly displayed are golf clubs of different types and makes, tournament symbols, and antique golf balls to let visitors experience the sport and the sentiments that originate from the last century.
From ceiling to floor, and from display windows to tables, extensive use of dark wood is the characterized feature complemented with checker wallpapers and ornaments of red and green. Furniture and fixtures are exports of UK for a prevailing Scottish panache that brings out the fundamental essence of golfing in this time tunnel.
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Following the footprints of history will lead us to the symbolic captain’s office that only champions, like portraits of individuals in red ou

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